St. Agnes Divine Renovation Ministry-Based Leadership Model


How is God calling you to use your gifts

for the renewal of St. Agnes parish?

The Divine Renovation of our parish involves these seven ministry groups.

Worship: As Catholics this is an obvious priority. We are a Sacramental people, and our worship is key to our lives of faith. This area of ministry oversees our Sacramental & Eucharistic celebrations, church environment, the selection and training of lectors, Eucharistic Ministers at Mass and to the homebound, altar servers, liturgical music, opportunities for prayer and praise, Adoration, and prayer ministry. Contact: Jason Scull -

Evangelization: This is the proclamation of the Good News of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ. It is proclaimed to those who do not know Jesus and leads them to a decision to trust, follow and become his disciples. It is aimed at those outside the Church and is also directed at those within the Church who know about Jesus but do not know him personally. Alpha is a large part of this ministry, as is our social media content, small faith sharing “Connect” groups, and OCIA (classes for those interested in becoming Catholic). Contact: Gin Shaw –

Formation: It is the lifelong process of growing, maturing, and learning that the believer eagerly enters into if truly evangelized. It includes but is not limited to religious education of youth and adults as well as Youth Alpha, Bible Studies, selection of spiritual materials, and helping each person discover their God-given gifts. Contact: Marcia Bugbee –

Fellowship: Our faith is a community faith, and we share life in common. Fellowship creates meaningful community where people are known and loved, called by name, and supported in their call to living a holy life. It includes hospitality, socializing, serving on Alpha nights, greeting and welcoming parishioners and visitors to Mass, and generating a spirit of belonging for everyone at all times. Contact: Karen Angelopoulos –

Outreach: Outreach is service to others. It includes service within the parish, but it also means going out and serving those in need. Outreach includes our commitment to the Ecumenical Charity Program, Mercy Care, ADK Bridges to Empowerment, caring for the sick, social justice initiatives, the Ghana Clinic, service projects, Catholic Daughters, and more. Contact: Christine Voce –

Stewardship and Buildings: This ministry works with the Pastor and trustees to oversee the financial needs of the parish to support our major ministry components. It also coordinates the physical aspects of our beautiful buildings and grounds, including our cemetery, to keep them maintained, safe, clean, accessible, and visually appealing to everyone. Contact: Ted Blazer –

St. Agnes School: Our PK-3rd grade school is committed to the spiritual growth of Catholic children and children of all faiths. Religious education and character development are key components of the curriculum and students are encouraged to grow religiously, spiritually, morally, as well as physically, socially, academically, and intellectually. We are a vital part of the parish and welcome the involvement of parishioners with the school throughout the year. Contact: Katie Turner —

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Music touches the heart in profound ways.  Our Music Director is Joey Izzo. He can be reached at (518)-524-8042.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it clear that Christians are called to live compassionate lives of service.  In the lower church our parish hosts the community's ecumenical food pantry that assists countless families and individuals in their time of need. Our parish contact person is Linda Young. She can be reached at 518-523-9620.


St. Agnes is very involved with ministry to elders in helping them "age in place."  Mercy Care also is key in a Parish Nurse Program.