What is Alpha?

By now you have heard the word Alpha floating about in relation to the Divine Renovation and renewal of our parish. So, you may be wondering, What is Alpha?

Alpha is a program that started in 1977 in London, England, in a church called Holy Trinity Brompton (known as HTB). HTB was very theologically rooted and developed Alpha as a course for new Christians or those who were new to the church. It was very well received, and what they discovered was that Alpha was effective at connecting with people outside as well as inside the church. The format and lack of pressure resonated with most people.

Many assumptions about faith in God, the Bible, and Jesus are being abandoned in our culture today. Some no longer assume that God is true or that the Bible is trustworthy. But Alpha takes people from wherever they are and creates a highly relational and intentionally safe environment where people can share their opinions and points of view, no matter what they might be. It is currently being run in over 100 countries around the world and has been translated into over 100 languages.

Every Alpha session has three key elements: a delicious meal, a video talk, and discussion. It is a key component in our movement to bring a Divine Renovation and renewal to St. Agnes.

Since September 2022, we have run six Alpha courses with over 170 people involved in some way – some by attending, some participating on the team as leaders, and others on the Alpha Prayer and Hospitality teams. Going forward, we will continue to run Alpha twice each year (once in the Fall and once in the Winter/Spring), reaching out to our current parishioners and their spouses as well as to our unchurched family members and friends. The program is free, and is for everyone – not just Catholics, and is not a catechism program. It is a great way to connect with fellow parishioners, meet some new people, engage in conversation, enjoy a meal, and grow in relationship with God. We think you’re going to love Alpha! For any questions, please reach out to Gin Shaw, Parish Renewal Director and Evangelization Ministry Coordinator at renewal@stagneslp.org.

Sign up for Alpha

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you!

 Q: When is the next Alpha?

A: Our Alpha #7 course begins on Wednesday, February 19, and will run for eleven Wednesday nights, with a break for Easter and Spring Break (no Alpha on April 16 or 23) through May 14. There will also be a special Day Away on Sunday, April 6 that you will not want to miss.

 Q: What Can I Expect?

A: Each night of Alpha lasts for 2 hours. We’ll gather at 6:15 pm to enjoy a delicious meal together in the St. Agnes school cafeteria, then watch a short movie, and share thoughts on it in discussion groups. During the discussion time, you can share your opinions (no matter what they are) and ask any questions you want. You’ll be headed home by 8:15 pm.

Q: Do I have to talk?

A: You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, but you’ll find that everyone is respectful, non-judgmental, and is committed to keeping any comments and questions within the group.

Q: I’d like to attend with my spouse, but he/she is not Catholic. Is that okay?

A: Absolutely! Alpha is for everyone! It is not a catechism program.

Q: What if I have to miss a week?

A: We ask that you commit to attending all sessions but know that life happens, and we understand this.

Q: What is the cost?

A: The cost of Alpha is paid for by the parish. It is Fr John’s gift to us, and he is 100% supportive of Alpha.