To change the world, we must be good to those who cannot repay us.  Pope Francis


Our Christian formation and youth ministry programs, school, outreach to the needy, and maintenance of our beautiful church rely on the generosity of those who worship at St. Agnes.  Our collective support, in the form of weekly gifts from individuals and families, also provides for the compensation of pastoral and administrative staff. Steady contributions from parishioners, combined with gifts from seasonal residents and visitors, create the foundation upon which the Pastor and Parish and Finance Councils carry out the mission of St. Agnes Church.


This convenient and increasingly preferred method allows parishioners to make contributions through weekly or monthly automatic deductions from a checking or savings account.  Setting up this secure method of giving is simple; please call Chris Miller, parish Business Manager, at the rectory 518-523-2200.


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This traditional method of parish support allows individuals and families to make weekly contributions using the customized envelopes we send to your home.  To begin or renew contributions using weekly envelopes, please contact the parish secretary at the rectory 518-523-2200.


Making a gift to St. Agnes through a bequest or financial instrument that utilizes appreciated assets helps you to leave a lasting legacy and sustain the vital ministries of the church.  Using appreciated real estate or securities to fund a planned gift can help you take significant tax deductions and avoid the impact of capital gains.  Your financial advisor can explain how to make a simple bequest or how to make St. Agnes a partial beneficiary of retirement or life insurance assets. Our Diocesan Office of Planned Giving will gladly assist.  Please call Scott Lalone at the Diocese Office at 315-393-2920, ext. 1330, or send an email.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7